Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The fact that it took more than five years for my second post ought to say something about me. Blogging was supposed to help me open up to the world outside, sort out my thoughts and heal myself. That was when I was half a decade younger.

A solo post sufficed and I almost forgot.

This blog is now my transmitter to whoever cares.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Just like that

Its reassuring to know that no matter what happens, however big an event occurs, it eventually becomes insignificant. Perhaps in the larger picture nothing matters. Life just goes on, too proud to pause- only we try to hold on to something invisible, non-existent.

A friend's words made me think- in a different direction though. There can be different situations altogether... when you are torn between optimism and realism. Your spirit refuses to give up, you hope, you put in effort, you involve your heart and soul, you even pray. You close your eyes and say- come what may I will keep trying till the last- it almost becomes like fighting a battle you know you will lose.... but still hoping for a miracle. Isn't that the warrior's faith? The bottom line is that the battle is still not lost. If you return now, at least you will be alive, can get back to your life- start afresh. If you don't, you run the risk of being captivated, severely mutilated or even dead. What should be desired? Perhaps the battle is not worth fighting you might say. I don't know. For the first time in my life I am torn between what I ought to do, what I am doing and what I actually want to do. I can imagine the outcomes... some disastrous, some pathetic.. but life is changing and will change for sure- for better or for worse. I don't know. I seriously don't know. A miracle can help. Nothing else. Else life will take a drastic turn. Guess thats the way life is.

We are all together in various challenges that life has to offer, unaware of each other's problems. Life is something every one of us has to live by ourself and nobody, not even soulmates can live our life for us. I am just trying to live every moment to the fullest- to treasure the memories.

Then I realize what a miracle the word 'friend' is. Someone you can pour out your worries to, unburden yourself. Thank God we all have friends.

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